Sunday, January 6, 2008


He fights a fight inside,
A fight that always makes him cry,
Why did his dad die?
Why is his life perched so high,
That falling constantly drives him to lie...

He sees only one answer to everything,
He drinks himself into oblivion,
He recognises the battle that faces him,
But he won't begin to fight it,
Choosing instead to run away from it...

He makes countless false promises,
Saying he will get off the drink,
Yet this is almost always followed,
By him drinking so much,
That he goes home bloody and unable to stand...

He is a really close friend of mine,
Which is why seeing him like this,
Is absolutely heartbreaking,
As one day something will happen,
And he will drink himself so much into oblivion...

That oblivion will swallow him whole...
And there will be no turning back...

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