Friday, April 10, 2009

Irony of the Wait

All this time spent brooding while looking for a shred of hope,
Waiting for the person who could set me off again,
What was felt last Summer is gone, with nothing similar surfacing,
Not even in the kisses of two others, who were only stop gaps,
Stepping stones in the search for something real, something heartfelt;
Patience grew thin as Summer became Autumn,
With no change visible in the passing of the leaves as Winter stormed home,
And flings occurred, before dying in the snow,
To be followed by an indifferent Spring, which rained on myself but on no one else,
And nothing is found, paving the way for Summer to approach again,
With patience and lust seemingly unrewarded;
But then something shone in the West, arriving to me,
Or me to her, in a blaze of something so instantly beautiful,
Destiny calls, in a muffled tone,
As this feels like there was never a time without one another;
A twinge inside, a now foreign feeling, stands solitarily,
In the absence of anything else past and future,
Standing only now in the present, as we revel in something so new,
And it urges me to overcome the nerves that have been dormant for so long,
To take a gamble and go for the first kiss in ten months that would mean something;
We laugh and dance amongst the throng of people,
Forgetting time as it slips away, but people start to say goodnights,
Including her, so I admit defeat and give her a hug,
The night is ending but I don’t want to sleep,
I lie awake and hope our next meeting will be sooner than anticipated;
And I go from West to East, acknowledging the unlikelihood of even one kiss,
But I smile in hope, because hope is all anyone has these days,
At least until something permanent rises and shows me otherwise,
And that something permanent reveals himself the next time I see her,
A good looking blonde, with love in his eyes and passion in his kiss,
That she returns with equal love and passion;
We still have our laughs and dances, we still have our instant bond,
But I know there is no hope,
Because I can see in her gaze toward him the tenderness I once held in mine for another,
And I am happy to see her happy because everyone should be happy,
Even if that is not logically, realistically or feasibly possible,
And I laugh at the irony of the situation,
As having spent so long waiting for a real emotion to return,
I feel it for someone already taken.

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